• The Bible

    The Bible is the inspired, breathed Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16-17). We believe the Bible is the utmost authority on salvation and how to live a Christ-like life. It is the Living Word. It is Omni-relevant, meaning that it holds the answers for every age of humanity.


  • God

    There is only One God (Deut. 6:4, Is. 45:5, 18, Is. 46:9). This One God manifested himself in the flesh in order to save the World (John 1:1, 14). He is referred to as the Father for He created all things.

  • Jesus

    Jesus is called the Son of God simply because the spirit of God brought him into existence through the womb of a human therefore He is called the son of God "according to the flesh".

    "According to the Spirit" He IS God. God enrobed himself in this flesh; this was the purpose of this flesh....to house the Spirit of the One True God In order to be the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the World. (John 14:8-11)

    Jesus was dual-natured, He was both God and Man. As God he healed, as Man he hungered. He is the Son of God because He was born of the spirit, He is the Son of Man because He was born through humanity. In Him ALL the fullness of the God-head dwelt. (Col. 2:9)

    One God...manifested in Flesh. (1 Timothy 3:16)

    (John 1:1-14)

  • The Holy Ghost

    The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God. God is no longer here in the flesh but rather fills us with His Spirit if we allow Him. The Bible refers to this as the "Gift of the Holy Ghost"(Acts 2)

  • Salvation

    New Testament Salvation consists of "The Death, The Burial & The Resurrection" of Christ, this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are able to partake of this through Repentance (Death), Baptism (Burial) and the infilling of the Holy Spirit (Resurrection) which is accompanied by the evidence of speaking in other tongues. We know that without Salvation no man can "see or enter the Kingdom of God" (John 3:3,5)

    The Plan of Salvation (Acts 2:38)

      Repentance (Acts 17:30)
    Repentance is where humanity realizes that they have sinned, confesses those sins and asks God to forgive them for those sins. The truly repentant turns away from those sins with no intentions to return back to them. It is a resolution to forsake those things that are morally wrong in the eyes of God


      Baptism (Water - John 3:5)
    Baptism according to the Word of God must be administered in the name of Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:19 let's us know that the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost is "One Singular" Name, Acts 2:38 reveals to us that the covenant name is "Jesus Christ"

    The word Baptism means to Immerse therefore one must be immersed in the name of Jesus in order for their sins to be washed away.


      Infilling of the Holy Ghost (Spirit - John 3:5)
    The Infilling of the Holy Ghost is when God's Spirit comes to live inside of you, this experience is evidenced by speaking with other tongues (Acts 2, Acts 10:46, Acts 19:6)

  • Sanctification

    Sanctified means "set-apart. Once the believer experiences salvation they should then live a lifestyle of sanctification, set-apart as a disciple of Christ. Old things behind them and new things ahead (2 Cor. 5:17)

    Sanctification is a process (2 Peter 1:5-8) and this process will be at work in the believer's life until they make their home in Heaven.

    Sanctification effects every part of the believer's life including but not limited to the way they conduct themselves, the way they speak and even the way they dress.

  • The Kingdom

    The Kingdom of God is the believers' spiritual domain. Jesus and the Apostles did not just preach Salvation but they also preached "the Kingdom of God" (John 3:3-5, Mark 1:15, Acts 8:12, Acts 28:31)

    The Gospel is the "Doctrine of the Kingdom", you have to believe and obey it in order to see and enter the Kingdom but once this is done we must:

    • Seek First The Kingdom (Matthew 6:33)

    When we seek First God's Kingdom and Righteousness we Advance the Kingdom of God. In doing this we are taking territory away from spiritual enemies and treading upon them. (Luke 10:19)

    Ways to Seek First God's Kingdom:

    • Love God.
    • Disciple People
    • Serve Others
    • Practice Spiritual Disciplines: 
      • Prayer
      • Fasting
      • Bible Reading
      • Attend More Church Than We Miss
      • Living a Sanctified & Holy Lifestyle
    • Walk in peace, joy and righteousness (Romans 14:17-18)
    • Steward our "Treasure, Time & Talent for the King"
  • The Church

    Within the Kingdom of God is the church. The Ecclesia, the gathered and called out ones.

    The church is God's physical representation upon the Earth. The church is One Body made up of many members, it is the "called-out congregation" growing in truth and following our CO-MISSION to make disciples.

    While it is true that the church is more than a building, we believe that gathering for spiritual nourishment through church services and fellowship are of the utmost importance. We never want to "forsake assembling together" because that is where we draw our strength from one another in united fellowship and receive mandates from God . (Hebrews 10:25) (1Corinthians 12:12-27) (Matt. 16:18)

  • The Last Days, Rapture & Second Coming of Christ

    We believe that we are in the last of the last days or what many call "the End-times".

    We believe that the "Spirit of Anti-christ" is at work to deceive and destroy believers but the True church of the living God will stand firm!

    We believe that the "Holy Ghost Within The Church" is the Restrainer of the "anti-christ" system being fully operational, and that the Restrainer will be removed before the Man of Sin comes to fullness of Power.

    We call this removal the rapture or catching away of His church, where Jesus takes us to live with Him for eternity in Heaven. Heaven with Jesus will be our ultimate, eternal reward. (Mark 13:26-27) (1 Corinthians 15:52)

    We believe that Jesus will return with His church, touch down upon earth for the second time and setup His earthly Kingdom and Millennial Reign.